
Modern technology in diagnosing heart disease

There are a lot of heart patients in the country. There are different types of tests and procedures for different types of heart disease. Ordinary people think of ECG, echocardiogram, or even ETT (Exercise Tolerance Test) as heart tests. But as technology improves, so does the method of diagnosis with precision and less cutting. Currently. Such high-tech experiments are readily available in Bangladesh under the same roof. First of all, let’s find out about the different types of heart disease. In addition to obstruction of blood flow to the heart, problems with heart valves, heart rate and rhythm disturbances, inflammation of the heart muscle and outer lining of the heart may also occur. Congenital and structural defects. Heart complications can also occur during childbirth.

Let’s find out about different types of heart problems

The most important thing for the treatment of heart disease is to avoid the complications as much as possible, at a limited cost, to get the correct diagnosis quickly. Diagnosis of anger at the earliest. If this can be done and the patient can be admitted to the hospital in time, the success of the treatment will be much easier. In the case of heart disease, we are accustomed to hearing the names of various tests. When, why, what tests are done, let’s get a little idea about these. Step-by-step tests may be needed for specific heart conditions. Angiograms are the most common of the tests performed by inserting a device into a corner through a hole in the body (invasive procedure). But the methods or processes by which the device is tested without entering the body are called non-invasive procedures.

Modern technology in diagnosing heart disease

The notion that heartburn only occurs in old age is wrong. Diagnosing problems in adults, adolescents, infants, newborns and even fetuses. Possible in various non-invasive processes. In addition to general echocardiograms (screening and Doppler) there are also stress-echo, trans-esophageal (inserted into the throat tube, anesthetic spray is applied without anesthesia), vascular (vascular), congenital (congenital), neonatal, neonatal (neonatal) Sophisticated echocardiogram with fetal (intraoperative), intraoperative (during surgery).

Stress echocardiogram required for accurate diagnosis

Stress echocardiograms tell us exactly how much of a heart attack patient’s heart is affected and whether it is possible to heal the affected muscle. From that it can be decided about the next treatment. This is the internationally recognized method of diagnosis. This test is also needed to determine the level of complexity in the case of valve problems. Bypass surgery again Or stenting anger but the symptoms of heart disease may reappear. In some cases, the test results do not match the symptoms of anger. This is because the tiny parts of the roots of the tree deep in the soil allow the heart to have a large number of tiny blood vessels, the circulation of which cannot be easily ascertained. And if angiogram is done repeatedly, you may be at risk of radiation, the process is also expensive.

Angiogram does not detect the problem of small ducts – he can read. In such cases, stress echocardiogram is necessary for proper diagnosis. Again, an angry person may not be suffering from heart disease, but he has to undergo surgery in another part of the body. Before the surgery, the surgical team wanted to know if Ragi’s heart was at risk. So that there are no problems during or after the surgery. Normal ECG or ETT does not always reveal the overall condition. Not everyone is physically fit according to ETT. Therefore, in the developed world, the rule of performing stress echocardiogram is prevalent.

Trans-esophageal echocardiogram

This test is necessary to diagnose and treat congenital malformations (surgery or instrument replacement). A trans-esophageal echo is used to confirm the ambiguity of a normal echocardiogram, to understand the position of the valve, or to reveal the cause of a stroke, blood clot, or unknown infection. This test can be done in 30-40 minutes without admission. In a modern hospital. Trans-esophageal echocardiogram is performed when the surgeon performs heart surgery. If there is any defect then the surgeon can correct it.

Diagnosis of fetal defects in congenital heart disease

Fetal echocardiogram is required if the fetal heart rate is irregular, the previous child has a history of congenital heart disease, or the mother has a specific bacterial infection. If there is a need, it is better to see the defect before the child is born. Such is the need. Delivery needs to be arranged at the hospital, where there is intensive care for the newborn. In addition to the correction of congenital heart defects Therefore, once the need for catheterization of the invasive procedure is required by admitting the patient at the beginning, it is necessary to go through such an expensive process to determine whether surgery is possible at all. It is now possible to perform this step in a ragi-friendly manner by simply performing a simple echocardiogram, X-ray and a few other tests performed by skilled hands.

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