
The power of Leather less shoes is increasing

Although fashionable shoes are not in vogue today, people still had shoes on their feet about 40 years ago. At that time shoes were made from the bark of the tree. People living in caves in 3500 BC used a kind of leather shoe. According to the present opinion, leather shoes with laces were invented in 1890. At that time the aristocratic people of Europe wore these shoes of different designs. In the evolution of time, however, the dominance of leather shoes is now declining. Shoes made of different materials including synthetic, rubber, plastic and cloth are occupying that place. Consumers are easily inclined towards these shoes as they are cheaper and more durable than leather and of course much more fashionable. As a result, the market for leather less shoes is growing every year.

After being in a good position in the world to produce high quality leather, the investment in leather as well as leather less shoes is increasing in Bangladesh as well. Although so far leather shoes are being exported. More. Even then, the export earnings of leather less shoes have doubled in seven years.

The power of leather less shoes is increasing

In the 2013-14 fiscal year, this income was half, 160 million

At present, about 22 companies are producing and exporting shoes made of various materials including synthetic, rubber, plastic and cloth. According to the Export Promotion Bureau, footwear worth 910 million or Tk 8,835 crore was exported in the outgoing 2020-21 fiscal year. Of that, 34 crore or 2,790 crore came from leatherless shoes. Last year, the export of leatherless shoes increased by 24 percent over the previous year. Some traders in this sector said that there is a big market for leatherless shoes all over the world. It will grow faster as the income of people around the world decreases due to Kareena. However, Bangladesh is still a child in the production of the product. The whole of raw materials is import dependent. Equipment is also imported. However, if domestic and foreign entrepreneurs can be attracted through incentives, the leatherless footwear sector will be able to contribute well to exports.

In 2018, an average of 3.1 pairs of shoes were made for every person in the world. The shoe mat production stood at 24,200 crore pairs. The price of this huge amount of shoes is 36 thousand 550 million dollars. More than 31 lakh crore in domestic currency. One piece of information is enough to show how huge the amount of money is. The size of the national budget of Bangladesh in the current financial year is 6 lakh 3 thousand crore taka. That means the global shoe market is equal to 5 budgets of Bangladesh.

Let’s go back a little bit to see how big the global shoe market is

The shoe market has shrunk due to the push. Last year, 2,300 crore pairs of shoes were produced. Of this, 1,210 crore pairs of shoes have been exported. However, the market will increase again if the jute of Kareena fails. The global shoe market is expected to reach 53 trillion in 2028. There are forecasts. Than the affordability behind the use of shoes. The number of people is no less important in any part. Therefore, China is on the top in terms of selling or exporting shoes within the country. Last year, the Chinese bought 394 crore pairs of shoes. Second Indians, 200 crore pairs. The US bought 173 crore pairs. Bangladesh is ninth in this list. 36 crore pairs last year. Bangladeshis bought T shoes. As I have said before, China is on top of the country in terms of shoe use as well as exports.

Last year, the country exported 8.4 billion pairs of shoes, accounting for 61 percent of the world’s matte share. Vietnam, which is in the second position, has exported 123 crore pairs of shoes. Their share is 10 percent. The next three exporters are Indonesia, Germany and Turkey. The application of leather shoes for leatherless shoes is not over yet. But prices and fashion are lagging behind.

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